According to Q Anon

We are all upset no one is being Arrested and fraud Marched in front of the corrupt Media Communists'. According to Q we are waiting for Judge Kavanah to be confirmed on the Supreme Court  on Sept 20th 2018. That is when I expect President Trump to un-redact all those documents indicating the FBI and the collusion between Obama the Alphabet Media and the Hillary Clinton Campaign. That should happen in late October just before the Mid-Term Elections exposing the corrupt Establishment for the Complete Scumbags they are. After the November Elections the 52000 sealed indictments will start to be served exposing the Corrupt FISA Judges along with all the top Obama Administration officials. As the criminals try to flee the Country Trumps Executive Order beginning Military Tribunals after the 1st of the year. The following is what I expect to happen, we should have a wonderful show so have your Popcorn ready !!


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