Democrats' are trying to Steal Elections, again!

It looks like the Democrats’ has stolen Arizona and are on the way to stealing Florida just like the Democrats stole Washington State, it is so sad. According to Qanon, it is all part of the plan. Trump and the White hats knew if the Vote was close enough the Globalist Democrats would try to steal it, especially Broward County the Mafia Capital of the World. That is the only thing that is giving me hope, I have seen this shit show before.
  Back in 2006 the Fucking Democrats Stole the Governorship of Washington State, Dino Rossi won, but the Fucking Democrats kept having recounts until they won, and the GOP never got it back. Mail In voting guarantees dirty fixed Elections!!! Arizona is gone we all know what happens after Scumbag Democrats steal Power. First, they make mail in Voting legal, then they bring in Immigrant Hoards, then they go after your only protection left, Your Guns. After they make it impossible to buy a Gun, they own YOU!
  If President Trump is unable to stop this voter fraud the United States as we know it is over, so the best thing we can do for now is shine the light on the Corrupt Democrats destroying our Republic. If that fails it is going to get really bloody, like Civil War Bloody so pray President Trump has everything under control.
As far as losing the House of Representatives goes, I put it on Paul Ryan and all the RINO Clowns that retired. Retired my ass! I know those FISA documents will bring down the House so release The Hounds and let’s see some Indictments!


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